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The following are portals to other Realms...if you wish to have your portal listed below...send me an email at...tormentor_of_christiansouls@hotmail.com

Ok above you can see a banner...if you have a website, please place this banner there...fist save it into your computer then place it on your site...thanks in advance...

Portals to other Realms
Get some Avatars!!!

Here at avatarity.com you can find many avatars about games,anime,movies,television series,etc...very cool place to find kick @$$ avatars for the Metal Realm Forum or others...

Emulation Unlimited

Want free ROMs and Emulators that really work well go here..find roms and emus to many consoles and handhelds...

Liquid Generation

Wanna laugh 'till you cant laugh no more well go here...you will find many hilarrious things and tests like..."what movie villain are you" and more...


This is the METAL REALM forum...here you will find many interesting topics to talk about like...games, music, anime, movies and moreImage Hosted by ImageShack.us

if you have a site could you place this banner there?...thanks in advance


Best search engine around...you can do a video, mp3 and image search...great, better than google


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This site is great...best Metal site out there!