Tormentor Of Christian Souls
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Who is Tormentor Of Christain Souls?

Here are some questions you may be asking yourself...

Who is that stupid kid in the pic?

Well that stupid kid you see right there is the webmaster(admin,creator,...)of the Metal Realm...yes...that kid is me...

What???...that kid is Tormentor Of Christian Souls?

Yep...that kid is Tormentor Of Christian Souls...wondering why i chose this nick?...well because its the name of one of the greatest songs of Dimmu Borgir and it sounded cool...

So...hes Tormentor Of Christian Souls...(no wonder he made a crappy site hes just a kid)...

Well whatever...i dont care if you think my site is crappy,i bet you couldnt do a site and a Forum as big as mine in 2 days...besides i did this site just for fun... old is this tiny kid?

Well im 14 right now...and yes,i admit im tiny...but whatever!

Well anyway heres more about me...

My name is Carlos, Im from Puerto Rico...

My Favorite top 5 Metal bands are:






After those come more bands like Cradle Of Filth and more but this Top 5 are the ones that i listen to more often...

I love Metal...i first got to Metal thanks to my best friend Jay...he was who introduced me to all of this...with out all that i would be a stupid,idiot,moron,crazy,shity rapper...and i DO NOT want to be THAT!...thanks again Jay man!

Well im 14 so i also like video games...duhh!...What kid doesnt like video games at that age...anyway...i like the RPGs, the make you belive you are in another world...really,RPGs are cool!...and also does First Person Shooters and action games like Metal Gear Solid!...and i also like some sport games like...Tony Hawk Underground and others...and i also like Anime...i just love the way japanese make Anime...its just so cool!...but i also like cartoons that are like South Park(funny and violent!!!) and such...and....and...ummm...i think thats it...i have nothing more to tell you...

Well THANKS if you did read all of this...(i think no one read this)...but whatever thanks...

By TORMENTOR OF CHRISTIAN SOULS (gatekeeper of the Metal Realm)