Welcome to...the METAL REALM...
  Home | Metal Band Hall | Songs And Lyrics | Metal Genres | Gifs And Pics | Gatekeeper Bio | Forums | Portals   

A New Metal Realm is being created...that Metal Realm will be an awesome site, built only on html...not with the site builder that i used to create this one you see now...so exepct it to be awesome with a lot more sections...that they will make you come back to the Realm every day to see the new things you can download and other,theres gonna be background music...a different one in each section!...im now working on it so when i finish it...i will place a link here so you can go to the real METAL REALM!!!...until then what you are seeying is what you'll have while im working on the REAL METAL REALM!

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Welcome...       Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

In the Metal Realm you can find many areas where you can explore...first you can go to the Metal Band Hall where you can find metal band's pics and Bios...next you can  go to the "Gifs and Pics section" where you will find gifs,pics and info of anime,game and other...after you explore all the Gifs and Pics realm you can go to the METAL REALM FORUM where you can talk about music, games, movies and many more...after that you can go to the "songs&lyrics" section where you can see the bands and the songs i suggest with where to download them and their lyrics...I have a question...have you ever wondered how many Metal Sub.Genres are there?, well go to the "Metal Genres" section and find out how many and also know their names,and how each one of them were borned....Then at the "portals" section you will find links of many other sites where you should go...and to finish your journey you could go to the "Gatekeeper's Bio"section where you can learn a litle of me and who i am....(please dont be scared of me)....Remember to join the FORUM...Well...the METAL REALM gates will always be opened to you...enjoy the site...


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Tormentor Of Christian Souls' Lair

Hey...If you have any suggestions or comments about the site, send an email at tormentor_of_christiansouls@hotmail.comImage Hosted by ImageShack.us   or you can contact me in any of the following instant messengers and say all you want to say:

AIM: ademoninside210


MSN: tormentor_of_christiansouls@hotmail.com

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News and Updates section

July 31, 2004

Well i added new sections...one of them is the "Metal Genres"section wich is still under construction...and the other one is the "Gatekeeper's Bio"section...more sections and updates to come...ohh and Remember to check out theImage Hosted by ImageShack.us 

below you see the LINK

>>> http://s8.invisionfree.com/metalrealmforum <<<

and join it please...we need more members!

How many people have opened the Metal Realm Gates?times.

site created by Carlos E. Velez ( TORMENTOR OF CHRISTIAN SOULS ) in 2004